Performing a Factory Reset on Lab Gruppen D Series Amplifiers

A factory and soft reset can be performed on the front panel.  A factory reset will restore all settings to the original defaults including network settings, frame presets and all current settings.  A soft reset reverts only the current settings to default.  Network settings and Frame Presets are not affected by a soft reset.

  1. Place the frame (amplifier) in standby mode
  2. Press and hold the SELECT and CH 3 mute buttons, then press the power ON button
  3. The user interface will illuminate available options. Choose from one below:
    1. Press the CH 1 mute button (red LED) to initiate the factory reset sequence
    2. Press the CH 2 mute button (amber LED) to initiate the soft reset sequence
    3. Press the CH 4 mute button (green LED) to cancel
  4. The wait state indicator is present while either reset is performed
  5. To complete the factory reset process, cycle the mains power by completely removing the power from the unit, wait several seconds and reapply power